Zoo Ceramics Animal Sculpture and Giftware
Pottery Class Work

Coil Work
A small ball of clay is gently pressed inwards to create a trough, or bowl shape. The bottom is flattened and the sides are stretched and smoothed to an even thickness and then flattened slightly to allow the addition of coils. Coils are tubes of clay that have been rolled on a surface to an even thickness and length. Several are placed evenly on the top smoothed edge of the pinch pot bowl. The coils are smoothed together and blended to form a seamless finish. The pot is now ready for adding handles or decoration.
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Coil
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Coil
Urchin Pot by Ellen
Lidded Flower Ball by Sara
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Coil
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Coil
Patterned Pot by Sue
Pot by Shannon
Plaque Work
Plaques made from flattened clay can be created in many sizes and styles, from a small wall tile to a large house sign.  Plaques and tile work involves the process of slab rolling, which is explained in more detail below in the slab building section.
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Plaque
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Slab
Wave Plate by Loraine
Leaf Plaque by Sarah
Zoo Ceramcis Pottery Classes Plaque
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Tiles
Plaque by Rachel
Tiles by Vikki
Slab Work
A lump of clay is placed upon a piece of material on a table. Two flat guide sticks can be used to create an even thickness of between 7 - 12 cm and are placed either side of the clay. Using a wooden rolling pin the clay is rolled out to an even finish. The flat panel is now ready to cut into sections. To join the clay together the edges must be lightly scored and then glued using slip. Slip is made with clay and a small amount of water mixed to form a paste. All rough edges must be smoothed and then the piece is ready to decorate.
Zoo Ceramocs Pottery Class Slab

Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Sl;ab

Perfume Bottle by Julia
House by Jean
Zoo CEramics Pottery Class Slab
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Slab
Horse by Ellen
Bird Box by Clare
Modeling and sculpturing techniques can be applied to both coil and slab work. The main thing to remember is not to allow areas to get to thick. In the initial building stages the whole body of the piece can be pin pricked to allow any trapped air to escape during firing, the holes can be smoothed over during the modelling stage. It is also very important not to allow any air to be trapped inside the work, so adequate ventilation holes must be created through each chamber and especially on the base.
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Model
Buddha by Lucy
My Daughter by Lisa
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Model
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Model
Angel by Ian
Lady with Hat by Maureen
Themed Work
During the Spring and Autumn terms a theme is introduced to the group to inspire and challenge the students to create some thought provoking pieces. Participation is optional, but a prize for the best piece is given at the Winter Feast. The Summer term theme involves creating a piece for the raku firing.
2020 Animals
2021 William Morris Quote
2022 Landscape
Using modelling and carving techniques create an animal design.
'Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.' Observing colour, texture and patterns in nature.
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Model Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Slab

Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Plaque

Horse Head by Graham
Bird Feeder by Ann
Plaque by Jeanne
2017 Through a Window
2018 Artifact
2019 Fairy Tales and Folklore
Design a piece inspired by a view from a window. Looking back through history examine the art work of different cultures. Create a piece of work inspired by a fairy tale, folklore or a fabulous beast.
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Plaque Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Slab

Plaque by Julie
Mask by Den
Imp by Jane
2014 Angels and Demons
2015 Home
2016 Food for Thought
Choose your side, are you with the Angels or Demons? Architecture or something for the home. Incorporate your favourite in to a design.
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Theme House Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Theme Food
Demon by Jeanne
House by Lizzie
Liquorice House by Julie
2012 Words
2013 Back to Nature
2014 Form and Function
Incorporate a word or text in to your design. Nature is a rich source of inspiration to use in your design. Understanding the shape,design and function of your piece.
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Plaque Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Slab Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Coil
Plaque by Lisa
Tapestry Frame by Julie
Button Pot by Helen
2011 Vessel of Dreams
2011 Finned, Feathered and Furred
2012 In the Round
Create a vessel or design that can hold within its' structure, your dreams, wishes or desires An exploration of animal features, textures, patterns and characteristics, incorporated into a ceramic design. Explore round and spherical forms.
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class-Pot Zoo Ceramics Pottey Class Bird Tile
Dream Vessel by Angie
Eagle by Eric
Spiral Pot by Bev
2009 Face to Face
2010 2D to 3D
2010 Ethnic
Interpret your observations of facial expressions, communication and thought. Create a three dimensional design from a two dimensional image. Using a world world of resources represent a pattern, design, motif or cultural style into a ceramic form.

Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Theme Birds

Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Theme Horse Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Slab Box
Funny Birds by Lucy
Horse Tile by Elaine
Box by Anu
2007 Genealogy
2008 What is Human?
2009 Let There Be Light
Create a piece of work inspired by your family heritage, that may become a poignant heirloom for your family. Explore in clay what is means to be a human being. Exploring how light can be used to interact with the clay medium.

Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Theme Plaque

Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Theme Egyptian Zoo Ceramics Pottey Class Theme Light Dots
Family Tree by Sharon
Egyptian by Kenny
Dot Tile by Sharon
Pottery Class and Workshop Links
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Class Elephant
Zoo Ceramics Pottery Classes Pot
Zoo Ceramics Facebook Page     Zoo Ceramics Instagram
Little Elephant by Shaun
Cat Letter Rack by Sharon
Updated 15th March 2023